Mike Tria Headshot

“Recommended for Any Senior Leader”

"I've spent over a year working with Ron and in each session, I find myself getting more and more out of the relationship. Perhaps it's due to Ron's relevant background. Or perhaps it's due to his well-studied methods of understanding his client's deep, underlying behaviors. I'd recommend Ron to any senior leader that wants to understand themselves better and push themselves toward their future."

―Mike Tria, CTO, Gusto

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“The level of disruptive change coming at us is unprecedented, and we can only expect it to increase. It is not enough to cope with the volatility and unpredictability in our markets; we must develop a new level of leadership literacy, mastery, and agility. We either rise to meet the challenge or get swamped. This is the new normal.”

―Robert J. Anderson and William A. Adams, Scaling Leadership

You've Always
as a leader.

But today’s constant change and disruption are testing you like never before.

To rise above the complexity and
chaos, you have to do just that:

Take on a whole new


Outside the Box

Ron helps leaders ready to...


Discover a
New Way of Being,

Get back on their
Growth Edge,

Unleash their Potential.


The Vertical Leadership Growth Model

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A proven roadmap
for authentic &
transformational leadership
of self and others.

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Who am I in this world?

You start your quest for authenticity by examining the world you’ve made for yourself as a leader — and then stepping outside of it. In doing so, you develop self-awareness and “wake up” your authentic self.

Key Outcomes:

  • Develop self-awareness through assessments, one-on-on coaching and introspection.
  • Gain emotional intelligence about yourself - understand who you truly are.
  • Recognize that you have habitual behavior patterns.





How do I relate to myself and the world?

You experience a breakthrough in what’s holding you back and learn to learn again. By recognizing and interrupting your habitual responses, you break your old mold and change your mind. You shift your focus from what to do and instead focus on how to be.

Key Outcomes:

  • Understand how neuroscience and your identity, attitudes, values, and behaviors impact how you are being.
  • Uncover, understand, and address your unconscious biases.
  • Interrupt automatic responses and create space for choice.





How do I nurture connection?

You expand your capacity to think and act differently. You learn to lead authentically, help others be all they can be, hold yourself and others accountable and operate inclusively.

Key Outcomes:

  • Widen your perspective and challenge your assumptions.
  • Learn to nurture psychological safety and rapport through coaching.
  • Acquire a new perspective on how to collaborate and leverage inclusivity to overcome complexity.





How do I influence the world?

You can now imagine and influence the world like never before. At work, you create unprecedented impact. You also craft your world vision and model continuous growth for yourself and those you serve.

Key Outcomes:

  • Recognize that your transformation will transform your environment.
  • Understand your leadership presence, areas of strength, and development.
  • Thrive and serve others with a perspective of infinite growth.

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Develop self-awareness through the Leadership Circle Profile™, behavioral assessments, and a range of competence, skill-based and emotional intelligence assessments.

Practice new approaches and new behavior through self-directed experiments based on your coaching sessions.

Shift your mindset, address limiting beliefs, and evolve how you make sense of the world with help from a trusted partner offering both accountability and encouragement.

Grow with confidence in an atmosphere of safety, confidentiality, empathy, understanding, and respect for who you are as a whole person.

Available In-person, Hybrid, and Virtual-only

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"In My Corner"

“My experience with Ron as a thought-leader and a coach started with his genuine interest in my journey that quickly led to trust and appreciation when he directly challenged me to expand my thinking while cheering me on. As he consistently framed things in terms of my career and growth (rather than my current or next role), I could for the first time see how I was over-leaning into my existing strengths and biases and needed to evolve to be the leader I wanted to be.”

―Erika Fisher, Chief Administrative Officer & General Counsel at Atlassian

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As a coach, I’ve helped over 500 executives grow into leaders who can navigate any disruption, change or challenge.

Now you might be expecting this to be the part of the website where I tell you that I’m a successful coach because I was such a flawless executive myself.

But that's not the case.

As a coach, I’ve helped over 500 executives grow into leaders who can navigate any disruption, change or challenge.

Now you might be expecting this to be the part of the website where I tell you that I’m a successful coach because I was such a flawless executive myself.

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But that's not the case.

Don’t get me wrong. I had the track record, the titles, the salary, the kudos. I even got to go to work in a helicopter. I thought I was doing great.

Then I got a wake-up call.

As I prepared to pursue my dream to work in the U.S., my executive assistant had some parting words for me I will never forget:

“It's a pity there has to be quite so much damage behind you.”

That shook me to my core. I realized then that I might have been a manager — someone who gets others to do things. But I wasn’t a leader — someone whom others choose to follow.

Ron West and an Executive Leadership Coaching client meeting virtually
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I also realized that
I had to Change

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That journey of change took me through hundreds of books, countless workshops, and deep introspection about who I was and what I was meant to be doing in this life. I questioned everything. As I did, I went from over-relying on my strength of influencing others to be more collaborative and compassionate.

Experiencing my transformation prepared me to be a coach for executives leading through today’s unprecedented disruptions. Organizations change only when their leaders do. And I coach those executives to be the change they want to see.

What drives me? The deep changes I see my clients make and their impact on their organizations and the world as a whole. Your leadership can open up a world of infinite possibilities for those who choose to follow you — and those who follow them.

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The Chrysalis Code®

Becoming the Type of Leader Other People Want to Follow

How can you become a leader who changes lives - and, just maybe, the whole world?

True transformation isn't about acquiring yet more leadership tips and tactics. Instead, it's about reimagining the way you make sense of the world.

In other words, focus less on what to do, and more on how to be.

Available Now

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