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Somewhere in your development, you reach a place every leader does:

You're now in a role where the complexity of what you face outstrips your ability to control it.

You can no longer move horizontally
in your leadership development,

You have to grow


and learn to influence.

The secret is recognizing that your past success has created a mold for how you see the world.

So, how do you
break the mold?


You shift your focus from what to do...

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The Vertical Leadership Growth Model

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A proven roadmap
for authentic &
transformational leadership
of self and others.

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Who am I in this world?

You start your quest for authenticity by examining the world you’ve made for yourself as a leader and step outside of it. In doing so, you begin to develop higher self-awareness and “wake up” your authentic self.

Key Outcomes:

  • Develop self-awareness through assessments, one-on-on coaching and
  • Gain emotional intelligence about yourself - understand who you truly are.
  • Recognize that you have habitual behavior patterns.





How do I relate to myself and the world?

You experience a breakthrough in what’s holding you back and move to the growth edge. By recognizing and interrupting your habitual responses, you break your old mold and change your mind. You shift your focus from what to do and instead focus on how to be.

Key Outcomes:

  • Understand how neuroscience and your identity, attitudes, values, and behaviors impact how you are being.
  • Uncover, understand, and address your unconscious biases and lead inclusively.
  • Interrupt automatic responses and create space for choice.





How do I nurture connection?

Understand how neuroscience and your identity, attitudes, values, and behaviors impact how you are being. Uncover, understand, and address your unconscious biases and lead inclusively. Interrupt automatic responses and create space for choice.

Key Outcomes:

  • Widen your perspective and challenge your assumptions.
  • Develop powerful communication skills to better listen, validate, understand, connect with and persuade others.
  • Intentionally develop a personal brand.





How do I influence the world?

You own the newfound ability to imagine and influence the world beyond - an infinite perspective. At work, you create unprecedented impact. You also start to craft your world vision and master the ability to model continuous growth for yourself and those you serve.

Key Outcomes:

  • Recognize that your personal transformation will transform your environment.
  • Understand your leadership presence, areas of strength, and development.
  • Thrive and serve others with a perspective of infinite growth.

Group 1

Executive Coaching

Elite one-on-one executive coaching journey available in-person, all-virtual or as a hybrid. Grounded in adult development science for senior leaders and others committed to growth and development.

Chrysalis Program®

Proven leadership development program offered in open-enrollment and intact team formats. Delivered as a six-month in-person, ten-month all-virtual or hybrid format. Grounded in adult development science for senior leaders and others committed to growth and development.

Group 2
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Since 2008, top organizations have been calling on me to develop leaders with the vision, confidence, and flexibility to shape the future.

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What enables me to
Get Results
for My Clients?

Well, there’s my education, my experience in a range of different C-suite roles. And then there’s my executive coach training (Naveen Jindal School of Management UT-Dallas and the Center for Creative Leadership). Then more than 3,000 hours of coaching executives.

But I believe the real reason I’ve been so successful in helping leaders make profound changes is that I’ve gone through a profound transformation myself. My wake-up call came as I prepared to pursue my dream, one that I’ve had since I was 12 years old, to live and work in the U.S. My executive assistant had some parting words for me I will never forget:

“It's a pity there has to be quite so much damage behind you.”

I realized then that I had been a manager — someone who gets others to do things. But I wasn’t a leader — someone whom others choose to follow.

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I also realized that
I had to change.

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That journey of change took me through hundreds of books, countless workshops, and deep introspection. Along the way, I became more open, inclusive, and flexible. I became a real leader.

Experiencing my transformation prepared me to be a coach for executives leading through today’s unprecedented disruptions. Organizations change only when their leaders do. And I coach those executives to be the change they want to see.

Through my training, I also learned a lot about what doesn’t work when developing future-ready leaders. So I decided to create a new kind of experience based on the science of how adults can grow through stages of development, given the right challenge and support. That’s how my Chrysalis Program was born.

Today, I’m proud of my proven track record of sparking measurable growth for my clients. And I’m excited about all the positive change they are now empowered to create in the world.

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The Chrysalis Code®

Becoming the Type of Leader Other People Want to Follow

How can you become a leader who changes lives - and, just maybe, the whole world?

True transformation isn't about acquiring yet more leadership tips and tactics. Instead, it's about reimagining the way you make sense of the world.

In other words, focus less on what to do, and more on how to be.

Available Now

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